### Hugo .gitignore ### ### ### INSTRUCTIONS: Rename this file to .gitignore and place at ### top of your project structure # Executable may be added to repository hugo.exe hugo.darwin hugo.linux # Temporary Hugo files .hugo_build.lock # Hugo-generated directory /public/ # Dependency directories (remove if you track dependencies) /node_modules/ /resources/_gen/ /themes/*/resources/_gen/ # Hugo cache (since Hugo v0.82.0) /hugo_cache/ # Files generated by Hugo (e.g., when using Hugo modules) hugo_stats.json # Operating System generated files .DS_Store .DS_Store? ._* .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes ehthumbs.db Thumbs.db # Editor directories and files .idea/ .vscode/ *.sublime-workspace *.sublime-project # Log files *.log # Environment variables and personal config files .env .env.local .env.*.local # Files that may contain sensitive information /config/production/config.toml /secrets/ # Dependency directories for Python virtual environment venv/ .env/ # Build output directory for other static site generators /dist/ /build/ # Node.js npm debug log npm-debug.log*